Basic products HUMAC® Nativ Vegetarian capsules The effect of natural humic acids on the organism
The effect of natural humic acids on the organism
Humic acids are natural substances arising from the biological, chemical decomposition of organic matter (mainly plant origin) and the synthetic activity of microorganisms. They are ubiquitous in nature as they are part of the humus in soil. High contents are found in peat, lignite, brown coal, and especially in oxyhumolite (commonly known as Leonardite), where their content is around 60 - 80%. For centuries, they have been used under various names (Shilajit, silajatu, Uerangyum, Perangyum, Hajar-al-musa, Mummio, Mummy, Mineral Pitch Mineral, Jew's pitch, Asphaltum, Bitumen mineral, etc.) by cultures around the world for maintaining health. High content of humic acids are also found in mud, which is the basis of balneotherapy. Their positive effects have been known for centuries in the treatment of a wide range of diseases, such as inflammation of various organs, gastrointestinal diseases, poisoning, cancer, diabetes, infectious diseases, anemia, etc. Humic acids are also known for their ability to bind heavy metals and stabilize pH. This physical property of humic acids is very well established.
- Composition and detoxifying properties
Only modern research has revealed the essence of their positive effect on the organism. In the study of their chemical composition, it was found that humic acid structure is aromatic di-, tri- and tetra acids, where the connection between the aromatic nuclei is ensured by sugars, peptides and aliphatic compounds. In particular, they contain carboxyl, quinone, semiquinone, hydroxyl but also ether, ester amide groups. They are large molecules; their molecular weight ranges from 2,000 to 200,000 Daltons. Their size depends on the source and method of processing the raw material. Acidic groups predominate in the molecule, therefore they have an isoelectric point at pH 3 – 5. At higher pH, for example in the body, they act as ligands and are able to bind cations with different strengths. The most toxic metals such as Cd, Hg, Pb, As bind the strongest, while essential elements for the organism are bound to them by weaker bonds. This explains their ion exchange capabilities. The toxic metal present in the environment pushes the biogenic element out of the bond, which becomes usable for the organism while the newly bound toxic element to the organism becomes inaccessible. This property significantly reduces the resorption of toxic metals from food, but also explains their removal from the body. This is confirmed by research work on animals and also in the treatment of humans.
- Anticarcinogenic effects
Humic acids also have a significant adsorption capacity for other toxic substances. They bind to each other PCBs and dioxins, some pesticides (the more quinone structures, the more), various fungal toxins (mycotoxins) found in foods such as aflatoxins, ochratoxins and various other carcinogens and mutagens, e.g. nitrosourea, benzpyrenes, 4-nitroquinoline-N-oxide, N-nitrosodium-ethylamine. Ultraviolet radiation, especially UVB, can also cause cancer. As a result, thymine dimers are formed in DNA, which can lead to mutations and thus to cancer. Humic acids have photoprotective effects, adsorb UVB radiation, respectively reduce its energy. One form of protection of the body against cancer is the triggering of the mechanism of cell apoptosis. Humic acids activate caspase 3 and thereby induce apoptosis of damaged cells. Another anti-cancer effect is explained by the fact that humic acids stop cell division in the G1 phase of the cell cycle, which leads to apoptosis. This has been demonstrated in primary fibroblasts and vascular smooth muscle cells.
- Antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties
When investigating the effect of humic acids on tumor-causing viruses, they were found to stop the replication of HPV (Human Papilloma virus) and HSV1 (Herpes simplex virus 1). With HIV infections, they have shown to prevent T-cell fusion. HA significantly support the immune system by preventing the degradation of immune cells (mast cells and lymphocytes), stimulate macrophages and neutrophils, and increasing the secretion of immunogenic cytokines. When investigating the anti-inflammatory effect of HA, they were found to reduce the secretion of the proinflammatory cytokines TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6 and IL-10, thereby suppressing inflammation and having an antiallergic effect, prevent gastric and duodenal ulcers after Helicobacter pylori infection, and thus also prevent the possible development of gastric and duodenal cancer. On a similar principle, they prevent the development of induced gastric ulcers with aspirin, indomethacin and diclofenac, which allows the treatment of more sensitive patients with these drugs.
- Antioxidant activity
Another very important property of HA is their very strong antioxidant activity. They are able to neutralize free radicals, especially the most toxic hydroxyl radical. Free radicals play a major role in oxidative damage to the body and are responsible in the formation of so-called civilizational diseases (cardiovascular diseases, type II diabetes and others) and also in aging. The positive results in the treatment of diabetes as well as their anti-aging effect are explained by the ability to scavenge free radicals. Positive changes in the blood lipid profile, decrease in cholesterol, triacylglycerides, VLDL-, HDL-lipoproteins and HDL / LDL-cholesterol ratio have been reported in medical practice. So far, this effect can be explained by the fact that HA suppresses the multiplication of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms in the GIT (Salmonella sp., Proteus sp., Staphylococcus sp., E. coli) and promotes beneficial probiotic microorganisms. They metabolize cholesterol and bile acids, reducing their reuptake within their enterohepatic cycle. This forces the body to convert more cholestrol into bile acids.
- Humic acids and their effect on iron deficiency
Based on the latest knowledge, it is possible to explain the good results in the treatment of anemia. HAs increase iron resorption by suppressing the production of the pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-6, which induces hepcidin synthesis. Hepcidin binds to ferroportin, which transports iron from the enterocyte to the blood and thus prevents iron transport. Iron remains in the enterocyte and after its metabolism, it is excreted with the feces. Anemia in chronic inflammation and infections is explained by increased hepcidin synthesis. Hepcidin itself inhibits the synthesis of other substances involved in the transport of iron (as well as other cations) from the intestinal contents to the enterocyte and the binding to ferroportin. They are DMT1 (divalent metal transporter 1) ensuring the transport of cations (also Fe) into the enterocyte and Dcytb (duodenal cytochrome b-like ferrireductase), which reduces Fe3+ to Fe2+, which binds to ferroportin. HAs support mitochondrial function, accelerate oxidative phosphorylation and ATP production. They have been shown to activate cytochrome oxidase, which means accelerating the transport of electrons in the respiratory chain. The result is a reduction in the formation of radicals.
- Macro, micro and trace elements
The raw material of natural humic substances contains all naturally occurring amino acids. In the material analysis, the presence of all natural trace elements from Mendeleev’s periodic table of elements were measured in chelated bonds. This source of macro, micro and trace elements found within the HA formula are readily accessible to the human body, have a significant impact on the development and correction of immunity not only for the human body but all living organisms.
HUMAC s.r.o. (Ltd.) has developed a primary carrier for human use - the HUMAC Nativ program, which is being registered for human use as a nutritional supplement. The product is processed by activating humic substances, mainly humic acids. The company is currently preparing the patent application.
Previous experience with the use of HA in the prevention and treatment of various diseases, as well as the discovery of their mechanism of action on the body, confirms that these natural substances are very promising in the protection and promotion of health.
Košice, 23.8.2021
References from scientific literary sources, own research results and research of from associates processed by:
Doc. MVDr. Ladislav Vaško CSc., professional consultant of HUMAC s.r.o. and HUMAC Group, N.O.
Executive Manager: Ing. Gejza Szanyi, HUMAC s.r.o., 040 01 Košice, Werferova 1, Slovakia - List of scientific publications
1. Vašková, J., Veliká, B., Pilátová, M. et al. Effects of humic acids in vitro. Bunka In Vitro. Dev.Biol.-Animal 47, 376–382 (2011).
2. Krempaská K, Vaško L, Vašková J. Humic acids as therapeutic compaunds in lead intoxication. Curr Clin Pharmacol. 2016; 11 (3): 159-167. doi: 10.2174 / 1574884711666160813233225. PMID: 27526696.
3. Žatko, Daniel & Vašková, Janka & Vaško, Ladislav & Patlevič, Peter. (2014). The effect of humic acid on the content of trace elements in mitochondria. American Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences. 9. 315-319. doi: 10.3844 / ajavsp.2014.315.319.
4. Vašková, J., Krempaská, K., Žatko, D., Mudroň, P., Glinská, G., & Vaško, L. (2019). Effects of humic acids in chronic lead poisoning. Biologicaltrace Research, 187 (1), 230–242.
5. Haus, M., Žatko, D., Vašková, J. et al. The effect of humic acid in chronic deoxynivalenol intoxication. Environ Sci Pollut Res (2020).
6. D. Mudroňová, V. Karaffová, T. Pešulová, J. Koščová, I. Cingeľová Maruščáková, M. Bartkovský, D. Marcinčáková, Z. Ševčíková & S. Marcinčák (2020) The effect of humic substances on gut microbiota and immune response of broilers Broilers, Food and Agricultural Immunology, 31: 1, 137-149, DOI: 10.1080 / 09540105.2019.1707780
7. JankaVašková, J., Patlevič, P., Žatko, D., Marcinčák, S., Vaško, L., Krempaská, K., Nagy, J. (2018) Effects of humic acids on poultry under stress conditions. Slovak Veterinary Research, 55: 4, 245-253, DOI 10.26873 / SVR-469-2018